An efficient heat-exchanger requires a large surface-to-volume ratio. This can be achieved, for example, by the preparation of fine channels in the body of the heat-exchanger, which allows a fast heat transfer with the heat-exchange fluid. Additive manufacturing provides the freedom to design complex geometries. Furthermore, the production by additive manufacturing can reduce the consumption of raw materials by up to 75%, as conventional machining is avoided, thus also reducing the environmental impact.
We prepared La(Fe,Si,Co) complex geometry heat-exchangers with fine channels using selective laser melting (see the image below). Now we apply the selective laser melting technology to other magnetocaloric materials such as Heusler alloys. The major challenge is the preservation of the functional properties as in bulk material. Therefore, we investigate the magnetic, magnetocaloric, elastic and microstructural properties of bulk and selective laser molten Heusler alloys to identify the correct processing parameters.